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Linux User and Group Management

user types

type description
root user can log into the system; uid of 0; created by default
system or service user cannot log into the system; uid of -1000 (or -500)
standard user can log into the system; uid of +1000 (or +500)

group types

type description
system or service group gid of -1000 (or -500)
standard group gid of +1000 (or +500)


command description
useradd add user
usermod modify user
userdel delete user
passwd set user password
groupadd add group
groupmod modify group
groupdel delete group
gpasswd set group password
finger <user> display user info
id <user> display user id
groups <user> display user groups
pwck verify integrity of /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow
pwconv migrate /etc/passwd passwords to /etc/shadow
can also fix /etc/shadow errors
pwunconv undoes migration; removes /etc/shadow
grpck verify integrity of /etc/group and /etc/gshadow
grpconv migrate /etc/group passwords to /etc/gshadow
can also fix /etc/gshadow errors
grpunconv undoes migration; removes /etc/gshadow

files and directories

directory/file purpose
/etc/passwd stores user accounts
/etc/shadow stores user passwords
/etc/group stores group accounts
/etc/gshadow stores group passwords
/etc/default/useradd defines default values for useradd
/etc/login.defs defines id configuration, /etc/shadow configuration
/etc/skel/ defines template for new user home directories

(hate the inconsistency? me too. click here to sign a petition to rename /etc/passwd to /etc/user and /etc/shadow to /etc/ushadow, and have the old files be symlinks of the renamed files to maintain compatibility.)

symbol meanings in password fields

symbol indicates that
! or !! the account is locked
$ the entry is an encrypted password
* the account is a system user account
x the password is stored in /etc/shadow